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Notice on the completion and cleaning of basic scientific research business expenses (Philosophical and Social Sciences Research) projects

Time: 2021-04-01 View:

Relevant units in the school:

In order to further standardize the project management of basic scientific research business expenses of philosophy and Social Sciences in our university, according to the'management measures of basic scientific research business expenses of Jilin University (Revised)', we are now carrying out the liquidation of some projects. The specific requirements are as follows:

Scope of liquidation

As of June 30, 2021, Jilin University's philosophy and social science research project of basic scientific research operating expenses should be closed. For projects in 2016 and previous years, if materials meeting the closing requirements are not submitted this time, the project will be withdrawn.

Clearing requirements

1. Teachers who undertake the above-mentioned projects but have not completed the project shall truthfully fill in the acceptance approval form for the completion of philosophy and social sciences research project of Jilin University (Annex 1) in triplicate, and submit a set of copies of the final results at the same time.

2. In case of any change of important matters in the process of project research, an application for change approved by the social science department shall be attached; If it is not approved, it shall not be adjusted by itself.

3. If the project fails to be completed on schedule, the person in charge shall submit a written application for extension and fill in the'examination and approval form for changes in important items of philosophy and social sciences research project of Jilin University'(Annex 2), which shall be signed by the competent scientific research leader of the unit and submitted to the Social Sciences Department for approval. If the project research has been postponed for one time or for more than one year, the application for extension is not allowed in principle.


All relevant units are requested to carefully organize the project clean-up work, and submit the project closing materials, application for extension and list of clean-up projects (Annex 3) to the social science department before June 30, 2021.

The social science department will establish scientific research integrity files according to the clearing situation. Teachers who have achieved outstanding results will be given continuous funding, and they will be recommended first when applying for various projects at all levels; For those teachers who have unreasonably delayed project research, long-term stagnation or non-standard use of funds, it is forbidden to declare various projects of basic scientific research business expenses within five years, and restrictive measures are taken when declaring other projects.

Contact person: Peng Jing

Tel: 85155451

mail box: pengjing@jlu.edu.cn


1. Examination and approval of the completion acceptance of philosophy and social sciences research project of Jilin University

2. Examination and approval form for important changes of philosophy and social science research project of Jilin University

3. List of research projects of philosophy and Social Sciences in Jilin University

Social Sciences Division

March 31, 2021